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Daily Bible Verse & Devotional

4.6 ( 7536 ratings )
Referencia Estilo de vida
Desarrollador xiuqiang xiang

Over 10,000 inspirational, motivational, love, faith, life and wisdom bible verses in beautiful picture format.

Read todays Bible Verse of the day, be encouraged, and be reminded daily with notifications and the Today widget!

Main features:
1. Over 10,000 bible verses with topics and still increasing
2. Bible verses presented in beautiful picture format
3. Daily push notification & Today widget, be reminded daily!
4. Find verses by topic and popular Scripture.
5. Available in English, Chinese and Spanish, KJV, NIV, ASV,RVA and more versions
6. Daily morning and evening devotional
7. Read full bible chapter and bible commentary!
8. Share bible verse pictures to facebook, twitter, instagram and other social network platform, inspire your friends!
9. Download bible verse pictures to your photo library

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